
若你之后想申请你毕业相关工作,或者是你曾在自己国家从事的行业,那么你就要携带你的毕业证书罗。,2019年8月21日—It'snotacommonly-usedphrase,becauseitassumesthatyouhaveaprofession(asdistinctfromavocation,acalling,ajob,independentmeans ...,Yourprofessionisyourlife'swork.Itshapeswhoyouare,howyoulive,andtherewardsyoureap.Choosingaprofessionthatbestsuitsyourtalents,skills, ...,2020年5月29日—Whensomeonea...

what is your profession - 英中


What's your profession?

2019年8月21日 — It's not a commonly-used phrase, because it assumes that you have a profession (as distinct from a vocation, a calling, a job, independent means ...

Meaning, Benefits, Considerations, & Exploring Professions

Your profession is your life's work. It shapes who you are, how you live, and the rewards you reap. Choosing a profession that best suits your talents, skills, ...

What is Your Profession?

2020年5月29日 — When someone asks you: 'What is your profession?”, you have an excellent opportunity to present yourself. That is, not only offer a general ...

What is a Profession?

Traditionally, a 'Professional' is someone who derives their income from their specific knowledge or experience – as opposed to a worker, hobbyist or amateur ...

what is your profession


What's your profession? How do I answer though I am a ...

2020年2月27日 — Nuclear Engineer. Describe yourself as a (thus and such) worker, explain as necessary. This is the practice at my company.

What should you say when anybody asks about your ...

2017年8月23日 — When somebody asks about my profession, I will say how much I like my profession. I will simply explain what are my jobs which are helpful for ...